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Maggies favorite things in life were laughing and spending time with her family. Maggie was born on May 22, 1933, in Winona, Minn. She graduated from Iowa State University with a home economics degree, which she put to good use for her entire life. After graduating college, she moved to New York City and worked at Family Circle in the test kitchen, creating recipes for the magazine. In 1963, Gordon, Maggie and their four children moved to Mount Kisco, where their two younger children were born. Maggie will be remembered for all that she did for her community.
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Skip is widely recognized as an interview interrogation specialist given his vast experience and specialized training in the Reid, FBI, and Tennessee Bureau of Investigations Interview and interrogation programs. His academic qualifications include a Bachelor of Science degree in Business, an Associate Degree in Police Science and numerous government advanced polygraph courses. He is a current member of the American Polygraph Association and a former member of their Board of Directors. Charles Chuck E. Slupski, Director and Instructor. Johnny R. "Robbie" Frederick, Deputy Director and Instructor. Mr. Frederick is a 2003 graduate of the Department of Defense Polygraph Institute and retired with 31 years law enforcement experience. In addition to his police duties involving supervision of teams targeting illicit drug operations, crime scene investigations and crisis negotiations, Robbie has maintained a private polygraph business since 2006. He has presented polygraph lectures internationally and has held leadership positions in the Georgia Polygraph Association and the American Polygraph Association.
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au to RSVP. Students who RSVP will receive a link and password to take part in the QandA in the first week of next term. Earlier in Term 3, we were lucky enough to welcome Darren Dickson Newcomb HS alum 1977 1980 as a virtual guest speaker for students in five classes across two sessions. Darren left school after Year 10 and completed an apprenticeship in graphics reproduction, before deciding to pursue a career in surfboard shaping. 30+ years later, Dicko Surfboards has become a success and allows him to indulge his passion for surfing every day. The Alumni QandA took place just before schools went back into remote learning.
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de Matos, C. A. , and Rossi, C. A. V. 2008. Curriculum Development. Quezon City: LORIMAR Publishing, Inc. Cockerham, William C. Fall 1978. Self selections and Career Orientations among Enlisted U.